Planning a website? You’ll need a sitemap or a list of web pages. You can start with a few pages or create 2,000 pages. It depends on how big you want your website to be.
Start with the Basics
Every website should have the following pages:
- Home The home page is the first page of your website. This page introduces people to your company and your products or services.
- About Us The About Us page allows you to share your company’s history, your employees and and any other information that you wish to share.
- Contact Us The Contact Us page lets you tell people how to contact you and may include a simple email form.
Depending on your goals, you may need to add additional pages for products, services, news and updates or social media.
Build Your Sitemap
What tools can you use to build a sitemap?
- Pen and Paper
- Microsoft Visio
- Omni Graffle
- Microsoft Word or PowerPoint
- Any image editing tool you have
Post Website Launch Sitemap
Once you have finished building your website, you’ll want to add a XML sitemap. An XML file that sits on your website and helps search engines to crawl your website more easily. You can use an XML Sitemap Generator or make it by hand. Google has a list of generators.