Month: December 2011
Whether you are a web designer or web developer, you need to keep your skills current. As technology changes, there are new techniques to learn and experiment with. Web Designer Depot provides you with 9 great resources for keeping your skills fresh. Try out a few of these resources to see if they work with your learning styles.
Update: On Jan 4, 2012, TechRepublic wrote Tips for staying on top of tech. Use these additional suggestions to keep your skills fresh.
Robert Graham on Software by Rob explains “Why ‘Stop Watching TV’ is Bad Time Management Advice”. He believes that this advice is not very useful. It doesn’t help people manage their time better by telling them to stop watching TV. Robert Graham provides you with 6 strategies to help you do more. From planning to choosing activities that recharge or relax you. If you follow his strategies, you may even notice that you watch less TV.