Project planning is hard. When you need to plan a project, don’t do it alone. Ask your team to help you plan the project. By including them, you get buy in and a better plan.

Planning a project with your team

Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst

1. Plan with your team

Schedule a time to meet with your team. Explain the project and work out how to get it done. By working with your team, you get your team interested in the project and avoid having to rework your plan.

2. Get everyone involved

Ask questions. Each person has different experience and insights into how to approach the project. Make them feel like they are part of the process.

3. Work with your team to define the tasks

Have them help you define all tasks needed to complete the project. When you have all the tasks figured out, ask them for estimates. They should be able to give you realistic estimates not guesses.

Projects get completed by teams. Start by planning with your team. Get them involved by asking questions and finding out what tasks are needed. By working with your team at the beginning, you can create buy in and enthusiasm for the project.

Need more project management tips? Check out 10 Practical Project Management Tips.