Everyone has their favorite tools, languages and JavaScript frameworks. JavaScript frameworks allow you to create components. Which you can reuse throughout your apps. What if you can’t use a specific framework? You can use Vanilla JavaScript to build web components.

Geting Started With Web Components

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

What are web components?

Web components are a set of web technologies that allow you to create custom reusable HTML elements. These elements are not dependent on using a specific framework. You can use them without having to load a framework like React or Angular.

To build a web component, you can use these three technologies:

  • Custom Elements: A JavaScript API that allows you to create custom elements which you can use like HTML tags.
  • Shadow DOM: The Shadow DOM API provides a way to attach a hidden and separate Document Object Model to a web component. This keeps your component’s HTML, CSS and JavaScript separate from the rest of the web page.
  • HTML Templates: Use HTML tags <template> and <slot> to hold HTML that doesn’t display when the page loads. You load it with JavaScript at a later time.

Can I use web components in a JavaScript framework?

Yes. You can use your component in whatever JavaScript framework you want or none at all. If you need to switch to a new framework, you don’t have to rewrite your web component. Learn how to get started with building a web components.

Want to create your own components?

Check out these tools and resources for building your own web components.

Want to learn more?

You can learn more from the Web Components Community and Web Components.