You are working on a new UI. It isn’t working out. Where do you find inspiration? How do you make it unique to your design?

Photo by Matthew Henry
You find inspiration from live websites, design collections and design inspiration articles. Use these tools to help you create unique and better UI.
Why Design Collections?
Design collections can are curated by other web designers and developers. They submit the designs that they are working on and are their best work. From these collections, you can see what others have done and apply new ideas to your designs.
Design Inspiration Articles
You can use articles that discuss design inspiration on a specific UI feature. Like best sign up forms, call to action forms or newsletter sign ups. These small collections can help you to solve a specific problem.
How do you incorporate these ideas?
1. Analyze what inspires you
What do you like about the design? Do you like the fonts? Look at the type, size and line spacing used. Try changing your font sizes and spacing to create a similar effect.
2. Get inspiration from other sources
Look at print magazines layout and graphic ideas. Find book covers with color schemes and fonts that you like. Analyze what elements you can use for your design.
3. Pick an element
You may like the fonts, color scheme or even photos used. Choose one of these elements and adapt it for your design.
Design is about solving problems. It is about learning what works and applying different elements to your design. You can find inspiration from a variety of places. Draw inspiration from the designs you like, don’t copy them exactly. Take what you need and adapt it to make your design unique. It should look like it belongs there naturally and not somewhere else.