Writing a tutorial is a good way of sharing how you solved a programming problem. Programmers use tutorials to learn how to write the code for themselves instead of depending a all ready written code. Tutorials can be a quick way to learn how to do something. What do you need to write a good tutorial?

4 Items to Include in a Development Tutorial

4 Items to include in a tutorial

  • Step by step instructions
  • Screenshots
  • Code snippets
  • Version of software or tools

Step by step instructions

By providing step by step instructions, you can break the tasks down into easy and understandable pieces. Your readers will be able to follow what you learned and do it themselves.


Sometimes, steps aren’t enough. You need to show your reader what happens. A screenshot can show you what to expect, look for or do. A good screenshot compliments what you want your reader to do next.


Make your code samples easy to copy and to understand for new and experience programmers. You can use a tool like CodePen.io to include your code. Or use one of these 4 Ways to Add Code Snippets.

Version of Software or tools

Your software and tools change over time. New versions come out. Let your reader know what version of the software that you were using.

What about video?

Not a writer? You can record a video tutorial instead of writing one. Gregg Pollack on Hackernoon collected 10 Tips to create the best worst programming tutorials. If you prefer video, keep these tips in mind so your video tutorial isn’t the worst.


Writing a tutorial can help you to understand a new concept or programming problem thoroughly. Use these items to help explain what you have learned. When you teach others, you learn new things about the concept that you are teaching.