Notes on JavaScript Frameworks

A framework is a standard way to build and deploy applications. It provides code libraries, tool sets, apis and more. JavaScript frameworks make it easier and fun for developers to write code.

Notes on JavaScript Frameworks
Image by Alltechbuzz from Pixabay

If you build apps in JS, you have different frameworks to choose from. React, Vue and Angular are three popular choices. How do you choose? It depends. If you are working on a side project, you get to choose. When you work for a company, the choice may be made for you.

In the Ladybug Podcast entitled React, Vue && Angular, Oh My!, Kelly Vaughn, Ali Spitel and Emma Bostian share which frameworks they like and when to use them. For side projects, you may want to consider Vue or React. React is flexible and allows you to interact with other libraries and frameworks. When you need this type of flexibility, React is a good choice. If you are working on an Enterprise App with a team, Angular is the better choice.

If you have a framework that works for you, why switch to something else?

“Frameworks are not tools for organizing your code, they are tools for organizing your mind.” – Rich Harris

Building applications with Svelte

Svelte is a tool for building fast, small web applications using languages that you already know – HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is similar to JavaScript frameworks like React and Vue. The difference is the type of code you write. Svelte converts your code into Vanilla JavaScript at build time instead of interpreting it at run time.

With Svelte, you can build an entire app or slowly add it to an existing codebase. Also, you can create components as standalone packages that work anywhere without depending on a conventional framework.

Rethinking Reactivity in JavaScript and Apps

Which framework is right for you? The one that works for you.

Image by Alltechbuzz from Pixabay

How to stay focused on your work

Have you ever been working on a project when a support issue came up? You spend time working on fixing their problem. Five minutes, one hour or even a couple hours you have it solved and fixed. Your customer is happy. You return to your programming project. Now, you can’t even remember where you left off.

How to Stay Focused On Your Work
Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

Interruptions like support issues, coworkers asking questions or meetings can prevent you from staying focused on your work. What can you do to help concentrate on your work?

You can manage the things you can control like environment, distractions and time management.


Whether you work from home or in an office, you can control certain things about your workspace.

Chair, desk and computer

You will spend a lot of time sitting at a desk. Your chair and desk should be comfortable for you to work at. If it isn’t, ask for a different one. Consider buying cushions or pillows to help support your back. You can ask for keyboard trays and monitor risers to adjust the height of your computer monitor and keyboard. Or switch to using a standing desk.

Are you warm or cool enough?

Most offices are not comfortable for everyone. Some people are either too cold or too hot. You may want to bring in blankets, sweaters, space heaters or even a fan to make yourself comfortable.

Do you like to listen to music while you work?

Music can help you work. Choose the type of music that inspires and motivates you while you work.

Keep water handy

Water helps you stay alert and hydrated. Dehydration can affect your ability to focus. You want to drink water while you are working.


Your phone and emails can affect your productivity. You can manage how you use your phone and how often you check your email.

Your phone

You can make your phone less distracting. Consider putting your phone in silent mode and choose to look at it durning specific times per day. Or install an app that allows you to control how you use your phone.


Emails can demand your attention. How often to you check your email? If you don’t know the answer, you make be checking it too often. Try these tips for managing your emails.

Time Management

Find a time management strategy that works for you. You can try the Pomodoro technique, Time Blocking or 80/20 rule. Each one of these strategies helps you to manage your time, stay focused on your task and limit distractions.

Staying focus throughout the day can be challenging. By managing your environment, time and distractions like your phone, you can stay focused on your tasks much easier.