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Restart Numbered List with CSS

Normally, you can renumber an HTML ordered list. You use the attribute “start” to set the value you want to restart the numbers at. What happens when you have a special style that overrides how the numbers are generated?

Restart Number Lists with CSS

Image by Alicja from Pixabay

For example, I use the following CSS style to override how a list looks.

ol.simple-list {
	counter-reset: li-counter;
	list-style-type: none;
	list-style-type: decimal !ie;
	margin: 0;
	margin-left: 3em;
	padding: 0;

It creates a list with numbers like this.

Green Numbered List

When I tried to use the start attribute to restart numbering a list, it set all of the numbers to 1. I tried to update the style with newer CSS styling. It didn’t fix the problem. Finally, I found the right way to make this work. The attribute “counter-increment” lets you reset the counter. You have to pick a number one less than what you want to start at.

.simple-list-counter-9 {
	counter-increment: li-counter 9;

By doing this, you can restart your list at the desired number. With the above style the new list starts at 10 instead of 1. This works if all your lists end at number 9. If you want to restart at a different style, I suggest using an in-line style instead of adding it to your CSS file.

Naming Colors in Your CSS

Naming things in programming in hard. What you name things matters. Naming is communication. You want the names in your CSS to be easy to understand. They need to quickly communicate what you were thinking.

What naming convention do you use to name your colors in CSS? CSS can be difficult to maintain. Save yourself and others time by picking an easy naming convention. Your choice can save you hours of debugging in the future.

Naming Your Colors IN CSS

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

Choose a Naming Convention

There are two types of naming or variable categories in CSS. Descriptive or functional. A descriptive name describes the value. A functional name describes a use. If you want a variable to display a blue color, you might name it --color-blue. When you want a variable for a specific purpose like an accent color, you might name it --color-accent. Use both variable categories to make it easier to maintain your custom color palette.

Naming Colors

Colors have tints, shades and tones. How do you know what to call each one? Use The Color API to find out what to call the colors in your color palette. You can put in a hex code or RGB value to identify your color.

Start with your color palette

It’s good practice to limit the number of colors in your design. Use descriptive names to define your color palette. Then, use functional names to further define your styles.

root: {
brand-blue-color: #0000ff;  
brand-green-color: #008000;

.article-title {
color: var(--brand-blue-color);

.primary-button {
color: var(--brand-color-green);

When you need to change your colors, you can easily do it. Simply change the color code. If that won’t work, create a new descriptive name and use that instead. Whatever strategy you choose, make it simple so you or someone else can easily make updates in the future.

Switching to Utility-First CSS

When you write CSS, do you create classes that reflect the UI? Classes like card, button, title, sidebar or link. Your classes have every possible element defined in that class.

Switching to Utility-First CSS

Image by superdirk from Pixabay

What if you didn’t write your CSS that way? Utility-first CSS creates a series of helper classes or utilities. A utility class does one thing really well. For example, you might write a class that changes the background color to blue. Then, you would use to change the background color on buttons, cards and CTA boxes. Use it wherever you want. You mix and match these utilities to create the look you want.

Where can you learn more about it?

Start by checking out these articles:

What CSS Methodologies can I use?

You can look at these couple popular methodologies:

  • Cube CSS – a CSS methodology that focuses on simplicity, consistency and works with whatever medium you are using.
  • Tailwind CSS – a CSS framework that helps you rapidly build modern websites.
  • Atomizer – a CSS utility library that integrates with the most popular web frameworks.

Software development consistently changes. A developer needs to experiment with new tools and new ideas. You need to pick the tools that best suit your project and users.

Resilient Web Tips

Whether you use a computer, phone, table or some other device to access the Internet, you expect it to work. Sometimes things can break. Your connection is slow. Images don’t load. They are using a third-party tool that is having their own issues with the Internet. What can you do? Wait. Try again. Come back later to see if they fixed it.

The Internet provides information to users. By allowing them to use, whatever tools they wish. This feature makes the web resilient or fault tolerant.

What is a resilient website?

Being fault tolerant or resilient is part of the how the web works. HTML and CSS are the simplest tools for building a website. If errors are in either the HTML or CSS, the browser skips the errors and loads the page anyway. It may not look the way you want, but people can read the information.

Other programming tools like JavaScript don’t have built in fault or error tolerance. To make your code more resilient, you have to handle errors and missing information.

What can you do?

1. Start with the basics

Use HTML and CSS. HTML is the foundation of the web. You can build a website with HTML only and have it work. CSS allows you to use new features and older browsers ignore what they don’t understand. The more things we add to our web apps, the more they affect user experience. site performance and accessibility.

2. Pick the right framework for the job

JavaScript can enhance the user experience. It can also slow the site performance down. JavaScript Frameworks allow you to build things that you can’t using HTML and CSS. Before you decide to use a framework, you need to ask if you really need it. Or can you use Vanilla JavaScript instead? Consider adding less to your next project.

3. Prevent errors and make them easy to fix

Lot of things can break on the web. Your network connection fails. You clicked on the wrong thing. Or something else breaks behind the scenes. Web developers can build their web apps to prevent errors and make them easy for the user to fix. When you use JavaScript, you need strategies for making a resilient UI. Callum Hart shows you how to build a resilient JavaScript UI.

Where can I learn more about making resilient websites?

Jeremy Keith wrote Resilient Web Design. A book that gives you ideas and approaches on how to build a more resilient web.

Getting started with CSS Math

Why do Math in CSS? Math functions in CSS can make your life easier. It makes reading the CSS easier. You can save time by avoid having to do the calculations yourself.

Getting Started with CSS

Photo By: Chenspec on Pixabay

Use mathematical expressions to calculate property values such as width or padding.

What type of Math functions can you use?

  • calc()
  • max()
  • min()
  • clamp()

These four Math functions are currently supported by all browsers.


The calc() function allows you to do basic math. Add, subtract, multiply and divide. You use it the calculate the value for different properties.

This example shows using calc() to calculate a width using subtraction:

.main-content {
  width: calc(100% - 20px);

Or you could use it to set the value for part of a property. For example:

.custom-el {
  margin: 10px calc(3em + 2px);

You can learn more about how to use this useful function from CSS-Tricks in A Complete Guide to calc().


The max() function takes the largest value from a list of values and sets it to the property value. For example, you may want to set the width to be either 50% or 300px. It picks the value that happens to be larger depending on the viewport size.

.custom-box {
  width: max(50%, 300px);


The min() function does the opposite of max(). It takes the smallest value and sets it to the property value. In the custom-box example, you could:

.custom-box {
  width: min(50%, 300px);

In this case, the custom-box could not get bigger than 300px.


The clamp() function takes three parameters. A minimum value, preferred value and maximum value. It selects a middle value with between the smallest and largest values. clamp() uses that value and sets it to the property.

For example, you can use it for setting a font size that grows with the size of the viewport. Your font won’t get smaller or larger than the specified values. By using clamp(), you can achieve the same effect as the code in Fluid Typography with less code.

Learn more about using Math in CSS

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