Thoughts on programming, web development and design.

Circuit Board

Month: September 2011

Thanks for the sun

While I went out walking, I found this chalk drawing on a driveway in my neighborhood.

Thanks For The SunWhat a fun and creative way to say good bye to summer.

HTML5 Tag References

HTML5 BadgeWhat to learn how to use HTML5 tags in your projects? I found three resources that can help you learn how to apply an HTML5 tag quickly.

  • The html5 tutorials has a sidebar list that allows you to open the tag description that you are interested in. It defines the tag, shows you an example and describes each attribute if any.
  • HTML5 Tag Reference also has a sidebar list that allows you to open the tag that you are interested in. The home page shows you the new tags and tags not supported in HTML5. It defines the tag, shows you an example and describes each attribute if any. They also tell you the differences between HTML4 and HTML5. Plus W3Schools provides you with tips and notes on using the selected tag.
  • Structural Tags in HTML5 defines the new structure tags in HTML5 that can replace the div. It provides a simple example that demonstrates the use of these tags. You also learn how to get JavaScript to get IE to recognize HTML5 elements.

Until you have create a few HTML5 websites, you can use these resources to help you learn it quickly.

Inside Out Design

Computer with codePeople find your website from different places. They don’t always land on the Home page, instead they open an interior page. Your interior page needs to entice visitors to stay. If it doesn’t, they won’t even look around further. All that time you spent on crafting the perfect home page goes to waste. Do you design your website starting with the Home page and work your way inwards? Most designers do. Jonathan Christopher explains in Improving Your Process: Work From the Inside Out that designing the simplest interior page first and work your way to the home page can help you build a better and consistent website.

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