Fonts are a great way to add personality to your websites. Before CSS3, you couldn’t easily add fonts that weren’t supported by the browser. In CSS3, let you add the fonts that you want to use. This means you no longer are limited to fonts using web-safe fonts. By using the @font-face rule, you can add more style to your website. I have complied a list of 10 free web fonts for you to experiment with. All of these fonts can be downloaded from FontSquirrel. You can also download the @fontface kit, so you can easily add the fonts and CSS to your website.
Links to Web Fonts
Caviar Dreams, Sans Serif
Colaborate, Sans Serif
Comfortaa, Sans Serif
EB-Garmond, Serif
Libre Baskerville, Serif
Lobster 1.3, Script
Riesling, Retro
SciFly, Sans Serif
Limelight, Retro Style
Tangerine, Calligraphic